The beautiful Foote War Memorial Sanctuary in Park Lane Buderim will host a lively concert on Sunday July 30 with food and plant stalls opening at 11am and the music beginning at 12.30pm.

In Buderim’s Foote Sanctuary in preparation for the Foote-Tapping Music Concert on July 30 hosts and performers met to discuss the big day.
They are (l to r) Geoffrey Hole, David Wood (Sanctuary) Art Schouten and Bev Gourlay(singers) Mrs Lyn Richards (a direct descendant of the Foote family) Rebecca Morgan and Trevor Mitchell (singers).
The program has been devised by the well-known Buderim singer and concert organiser Bev Gourlay to include vocalists, a choir and instrumental items, all cheekily labelled Foote Tapping.
Entrance will be by a gold coin donation with all proceeds going to the purchase of trees and shrubs for the rain forest area of the Sanctuary.
There will be plenty of food from various outlets including the Buderim Guides and Scouts and a sausage sizzle.
The Buderim Garden Club has a stall selling plants and shrubs and offering garden advice.
It is suggested visitors bring chairs or a rug to watch the Concert which is perform from a demountable sound shell in a well grassed amphitheatre
The Sanctuary is an 8-hectare section of the former Foote family farm on the eastern escarpment of Buderim village.
When they sold the farm in the 1940”s they gave the land to the people of the Sunshine Coast in memoriam for their relative Sergeant Eric Joseph Foote a Military Medal winner Killed in Action on the Somme in France in 1916.
“The area has been cared for by the volunteer Foote Sanctuary Association for nearly 55 years over which time the rain forest that originally existed has been steadily restored with only trees and shrubs native to the area, “said Association President David Wood
“It is considered one of the most attractive places on Buderim with walking tracks and a picnic area with barbecues and family table settings.
“We look forward to welcoming you to our special place to enjoy the concert and the wonderful bush setting,” he said.